OUR BLOGKnowledge to Empower You

Supporting Your Teen in Their LGBTQIA+ Identity Exploration

The adolescent years are full of confusion in terms of finding who you are. Adolescents not only face internal challenges of assessing their own values and interests but also have the pressure of fitting in with their peers and feeling accepted. One area that an increasing number of adolescents are exploring today is their sexual and gender identity. As a parent, this can stir up an array of different emotions, and you may not know how best to help your child through this time in their life.

Keeping Your Connection Strong in the Transition to Parenthood

It can be SO hard to navigate your relationship after bringing a child into the equation. The transition to parenthood can be both an exciting and scary experience, from choosing your child’s name to creating your birth plan. After bringing a child home, it is easy to become so wrapped up in the excitement and planning that we often forget to have conversations about creating an environment that nurtures the relationship with our partner and keeps the connection strong.