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When children are hurting and need support, Play Therapy Works.

As a parent or caregiver, all you want is for your child to be happy, get along with others, and enjoy school, their friends and family, and activities. Your child is likely exhibiting feelings and behaviors that you do not fully understand. At Embark Counseling, our child counselors are experts in child development and effective counseling for children, giving you peace of mind in supporting you and your family with your child’s mental wellness needs throughout the therapy process. 

Play therapy for children is different from what we would expect as adults. When adults face difficult situations or trauma, they can talk through their thoughts and feelings, analyze what they have experienced, and problem-solve. Children often have difficulty communicating what they have experienced, regulating their emotions, and finding ways to manage and problem-solve through their experience. Play therapy is an effective and developmentally appropriate approach for helping children improve.      

Our therapeutic work with children provides what children need developmentally to work through their situations while learning new emotion regulation and communication skills. Our work with children is grounded in developmental theories, and each session intentionally promotes your child’s development and learning of new ways to communicate, problem-solve, and improve social and emotional regulation skills. 

At Embark Counseling Services, you are the expert on your child and may feel at a loss with how to help your child. We are trained in various therapeutic approaches to best help your child and you on your healing journey. Our counselors are here to help you find success in parenting and family life and have been specifically trained to understand the root core of what is challenging your child. With this, we intentionally provide parent consultation sessions in tandem with your child’s play therapy to help you better understand what your child is going through and how to help and support them through their healing and learning new skills. Research is rich in identifying that parents and caregivers are integral to the child’s healing and integrating new skills into their world. As a Family Systems practice, we may recommend additional support with other professionals for other family members, either within our practice or in our community, to support the entire family.

Why Play Therapy?

Play Therapy is an evidence-based approach that is proven effective for nearly every emotional or behavioral concern you may have with your child. Our play therapists have been through additional extensive training and supervision to learn how to interpret the meaning of children’s play by observing how they express their play and non-verbal expressions in a safe and consistent environment.

While playing, children often reveal their thoughts, what is bothering them, and their unconscious worries, concerns, and fears. Children work through their experiences by developing meaning and learning to manage stress and their behaviors in the context of play while optimizing healthy development. In essence, toys become the child’s words and provide a way to communicate their thoughts and feelings in a non-threatening way.

Play therapy is also helpful in strengthening bonds between children, their siblings, and their parents, resolving traumatic events, and processing strong emotions, such as anxiety (general, social, separation), depression, including self-harming behaviors and suicidal ideation, anger, grief, chronic illness, among many, many other presenting issues.

Counseling for children. Play therapy. Child smiling and painting.
“Enter into children’s play and you will find the place where their minds, hearts, and souls meet.”
Virginia Axline

Who may benefit from Play Therapy?

Play Therapy is an effective approach for any child who has experienced any adverse event, attachment ruptures, struggles with trust or communicating needs or feelings, or has attention-seeking behaviors that cause distress at home, school, or with friends. Since Play Therapy focuses on play and not talk, Play Therapy is also a good option for children who are resistant, shy, selectively mute, or have any other neuro-atypical, or have a learning disability, as it provides a safe environment for all children to be themselves without judgment or expectation.

Benefits include: social-emotional competency, problem-solving ability, development of coping skills, and increasing self-esteem and self-concept.

Some modalities that might be used include various games and fun toys, sand trays, and expressive art therapy. Play therapy is not just for children; it has also been proven effective for teens and adults!

Our Play Therapy Approaches

  • Child Centered Play Therapy
  • Directive Play Therapy
  • Attachment Play Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy
  • Child-Parent Play Therapy
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
  • Sand Tray and Sand Play Therapy

Learn more about Play Therapy below:

What does a Play Therapy session look like?

Play Therapy is not the same as play that you will watch your child engage in at home, at school or with their friends.  We do not expect or encourage children to play in ways that other environments may desire or correct toward.  This approach creates an intentional environment that encourages your child to be as authentic as possible, so that the root problem is revealed.  This provides an optimal opportunity to guide children through learning new skills and healing from maladaptive patterns, whether it is emotional in nature or behavioral.

Image of play therapist with child in play therapy session.
Image of play Therapy finger puppets.

Our therapeutic approach is also inspired by Neuroscience, paying close attention to how the brain is functioning, and what the brain needs to heal and develop. As children integrate their play and understanding of themselves through the Play Therapy process, the brain develops and their world view begins to align with social emotional safety and competence.  These are building blocks of development, and more evidence of how Play Therapy works! For more information and research on Play Therapy, click here

Our Play Therapy rooms are full of toys and resources necessary to keep children interested, creative, engaged and healing.  We carefully select the toys and supplies in each of our Play Therapy rooms to give children a choice of materials, and those that will provide an opportunity for each child to safely play out real life themes and promote creative expression of feelings and events. Some of our Play Therapy rooms are also equipped with equipment and supplies to support our Therapy Dogs and their handlers.

Introducing Your Child to Counseling

You and your child likely have questions about counseling. Below are some things parents can do to introduce your child to counseling and prepare them for the counseling process.

From our experience as counselors, it is important to be supportive, honest and reassuring. Children may have fears about the process, and if it will hurt, or if something is wrong with them.

Your child’s counselor will help your child understand:

Introducing counseling to your child. Image of child and play therapist in play therapy session.
  • Therapy is a process to help solve your problems and feel better.
  • We are not medical doctors, so we will not give you a shot or make you take medicine!
  • Our counselors believe that behaviors tell a story, and do not define the child.
  • Therapy is a confidential experience, so you can tell your counselor anything, and you will not be judged or in trouble.
  • Our therapists play with children, so if you do not know what to say, we can just play!

Your child may be timid when coming to therapy for their first session. Your child may actually refuse. It is helpful to help them understand that Play Therapy is their very special place with their Play Therapist to help them feel better, and to PLAY! 

Ongoing, it is essential that your child knows that their experience is special, just for them, and their process is a safe place where there is no punishment for their feelings, or for who they are fundamentally.

What to Expect in the Play Therapy Process

We value the parent-child relationship, the family-child relationship, and also the child-therapist relationship.  As trained experts, we will structure the process and treatment goals alongside you and your child. In the initial session, your therapist will gather the information necessary to know what your child is struggling with, what your goals are as the parent/caregiver, and what the child wants out of their process. All of our therapists value open communication, although we recommend not discussing issues in front of your child. Please provide this information in confidential communication through email, or during your parent consultation meetings.

The first four to six sessions are considered our assessment phase, and will be used to develop the therapeutic relationship and begin implementing the preliminary treatment interventions. Most likely, your therapist will approach the beginning stages of therapy from a Child-Centered approach. After this phase, your first parent consultation session will be scheduled to provide insight and understanding to what your child is experiencing, and what your child needs in the healing and development process.  Parent consultation sessions are typically scheduled ongoing every four to six weeks, or when clinically needed to support the healing process for either the child, or the parent.

The number of sessions required will vary depending on the intensity of your child’s presenting issue, the support the child receives from the influencing systems and parent support, as well as how the child is developing through the healing process. We generally recommend anywhere from 20-40 sessions, although this will largely depend on the presenting concerns and the cohesive involvement of the parents/guardians in the process. Your child’s therapist will navigate this process with you during your parent consultation sessions. It is important that to maintain the momentum in healing that all recommendations from your therapist are followed, including support between sessions and the frequency of sessions.

We understand conflict. We understand healing. We understand relationships.

You and your partner started out your relationship with enjoying each other, relying on each other and looking to each other to fulfill your needs. You likely never considered that couples and relationship therapy would be a need for your relationship.  Over time, things change, life gets busy, demands increase and children, or other family members or jobs, take more of our time. You have spent time building your life together, but now, it does not feel as easy as it did in the beginning.  You feel like roommates.  You have trouble communicating with each other.  You feel a lack of trust.  You are growing apart, and maybe even thinking about ending things.  

Now is the time to seek support and guidance in couples and relationship therapy. You feel exhausted. You have tried to overcome your challenges in the relationship just to discover that it is not getting any better. 

Our couples and relationship counselors are experienced and trained in specific approaches to help you gain insight into your relationship, resolve conflict, improve your relationship and your relationship satisfaction.  Don’t do this alone.

The Therapeutic Process

The couples and relationship therapy process involves a standard interview to obtain information regarding the history of the relationship, and will include some exploration into each partner’s family of origin and values. Oftentimes, our couples counselor may use different assessments may be used to help facilitate goal setting. The first session may also include crisis intervention, if necessary. Our couples and relationship counselors partner with you to identify goals, and to set measurable objectives to improve your relationship. The couples and relationship counseling process requires active participation from the couple, as well as the therapists. The duration of your therapy will depend on your goals, and your participation throughout the process.

You will gain insight into the dynamics that are maintaining the issue, as well as explore and understand each partner’s individual role in the dysfunctional interactions. Although gaining this insight is important, the couple will also learn ways to challenge and change behaviors to improve interaction patterns and increase the level of satisfaction in the relationship.

Couples & Relationship Therapy. Happy couple spending time together with their children.

Reasons couples & partners seek therapy

You want to reconnect with your best friend again.  Renew your friendship and rekindle your romance.  Do not wait until things are miserable before reaching out to an experienced counselor to help you find lasting change, and fulfillment in your relationship.

  • Improve communication and change destructive patterns.  Learn new ways to communicate so that both of you are heard and understood, break through the same old argument, find new ways to manage deep feelings together.
  • Learn to parent together, when you come from very different backgrounds.  Find ways to parent how your child needs to be parented, and how to implement effective consequences that keep the family balanced, and get out of the manipulation pattern of pitting one parent against the other…find your parenting on the same team!
  • Heal from infidelity.  Learn how to work through the pain of betrayal, and rebuild trust in your relationship.  Infidelity does not have to be the end of your relationship.  Seek counseling not only for yourself, but also for your relationship.
  • Find support and guidance navigating family dynamics after a child’s diagnosis, such as Autism, Down’s Syndrome or other medical issues.
We are here to help you heal, trust, find intimate balance and the relationship satisfaction that you desire.

You are not alone. We are here to help you find the love you used to feel. Our couples and relationship therapy clients report finding greater satisfaction and enjoyment in their family dynamics after successfully completing their recommended treatment plan.

We get women. Balancing work and family life. Life Transitions. Personal Growth.

You are not alone. We are here for you.

You are stressed and overwhelmed. You feel like your day does not have enough time in it to get everything done. You wonder if you are parenting your children the way they need. You are struggling with your relationship with your partner. We love counseling women.
We thrive on working with women to resolve specific issues that arise during various stages of life. We help you find relief from the inner struggles that hold you back and keep you from living the life you dream of. We partner with you to learn new ways of handling emotional experiences, understanding important relationships and finding balance in your busy life.
During your journey of life, you will likely eventually need someone to talk to; someone with whom you can tell everything and anything.  That is why we are here for you.  Together, we can resolve past issues with relationships or life circumstances, heal past hurts or traumas, develop insight into your healing and empower you throughout the entire journey.
Woman talking in counseling session. Counseling for women.

There can be a variety of reasons women seek out counseling support. Below are some common reasons women seek counseling:

  • Stress management
  • Christian Counseling
  • Quarter-life crisis (adulting)
  • Relationship Issues
  • Caregiving parents and children (Sandwich Generation)
  • Midlife transition
  • Career Change
  • Grief/Loss
  • Identifying and leaving toxic relationships
  • Search for Meaning and Purpose
  • Anxiety or Depression
  • Perfectionism
  • Parenting
  • Pregnancy and Post-Partum anxiety or depression

At Embark Counseling Services, you are heard and understood. You have a path to uncover your true self, take back control of overwhelming experiences and find the balance and fulfilling life you deserve. Our team of experienced and compassionate counselors are here to help you navigate your journey to wellness.

Balancing work, responsibilities, and relationships is hard.

You don’t have to go through it all alone. Therapy can help.

If you are like most men, you likely believe that you need to solve your problems and dilemmas alone. You may even think that if you seek therapy, something is wrong with you.  Counseling for men is ultimately empowering for unlocking your strong skill set of navigating, problem solving and leading. When you take care of your mental health, you are also taking care of your physical health, as research has shown that when anxiety and depression are not addressed, it profoundly impacts your overall health. 

Break free from the cultural norms for men that typically sees emotional vulnerability as a weakness.  If you experience the following symptoms, it is likely time to tap into your courageous self and find the right therapist that you can connect with to help you enjoy everyday life.

Common symptoms experienced by men seeking counseling support:

  • Increased irritability or anger
  • Frequent headaches or migraines
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Frequently turning to alcohol and/or drugs to cope
  • Strained relationships with loved ones and friends
Man speaking with counselor. Our Services - Counseling for Men.

When seeing a therapist at Embark, we use the most up-to-date evidence based modalities to help you meet your therapeutic goals.  Our therapists are also provide competent trauma informed services to support you through healing from significant events, whether current or in your past.  We have dedicated therapists at every location that have extensive experience working with men to overcome their stressors and other issues.

At Embark, we use an Integrative Approach–combining the most effective methods such as:

  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
  • Mindfulness – to help develop calming and adaptive coping skills
  • Relationship Support
  • Substance Use Counseling
  • Therapy Groups for Specific Need

We are here for your child and family. We care.

Your child may be experiencing behaviors that are difficult to understand, emotions bigger than the situation, or learning problems affecting their engagement in school and home life. You may feel confused and overwhelmed thinking about how to support your child through these challenges to improve their quality of life. Your child may have asked to talk to a counselor about what they are feeling, or maybe their school counselor or pediatrician has suggested therapy to help address concerns about how the child is feeling or behaving or to help your family solve a problem.

Seeking out therapy for your child can be an essential step toward helping them overcome challenges, improve their lives, and continue to develop into healthy, flexible, and resilient human beings capable of amazing things. Below are some common issues and concerns of children we work with.

Counseling for Children. Child is with counselor and showing her hand with colorful paint on it.

We work with a wide variety of children and presenting concerns, including the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Grief/Loss
  • Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
  • Behavior problems
  • Adoption and Foster Care Issues
  • Academic Concerns
  • Divorce/Blended Family Issues
  • Bullying and Interpersonal Issues
  • Sibling Issues
  • Self-harming Behaviors and Suicidal Ideation

At Embark Counseling Services, our child counselors are experts in child development and specially trained in providing effective and developmentally appropriate counseling for children that meets the individual needs of each child we support. Many families are unsure when to seek counseling for their child; knowing what your child needs and finding the right counselor is beneficial for the process and your child’s progress. Our experienced counselors are here to help you and your child on the journey to discovering how to handle the big challenges that children experience.

Our Child Therapy Approaches

Play Therapy

Learn more about our play therapy approaches, including Child-Centered Play Therapy, Directive Play Therapy, Attachment Play Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy, Child-Parent Play Therapy, and Sand Tray and Sand Play Therapy.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

We have Play Therapists who are also trained and certified in EMDR! To learn more about how EMDR and Play Therapy work together, contact us today!

We get tweens and teens. We are here to support their unique challenges.

The tween and teen years bring so many changes, not only in rapid physical growth, but also in big emotions, difficult social situations and the desire to develop independence and their desire for autonomy.  Tween and teen therapy is a great solution to providing the support your tween/teen needs during these difficult times.

We understand the struggles during these years.  Additionally, we understand the demands and distress their relationships cause not only for them, but also for their family. Tweens and teenagers often turn to maladaptive behaviors, such as self-harming, alcohol, and drugs when they are not provided the right skills and tools to use when life gets hard. Therapy provides this framework, as well as how to recognize when their brain and body is experiencing distress so that they may choose behaviors that are helpful, and not harmful.  At Embark Counseling Services, we have experienced counselors who specialize in providing tween and teen therapy!

Our tween and teen therapists are trained in creative ways to connect with them, even if they are avoidant or resistant, develop rapport that leads to trust, and provide interventions that challenge their struggles, and help the teen to develop awareness of their strengths, abilities, family values and desires for their future.  Not only do tweens and teens trust us, but we truly enjoy listening to what is bothering them, talking and connecting to help them overcome their challenges, and grow.

Oftentimes, a teen will take some time to warm up or open up.  Sometimes, they may even resist or refuse to talk. But when they do open up, they have a lot to say, and we are here to be that trusting place for them! Therapy is a great place of safety for your teenager to talk about all of the many issues they are experiencing, while providing practical and effective coping and calming skills to handle whatever life pressures is coming at them. Therapy also provides skills in communicating, setting boundaries and standing up to peer pressure and various social skills that cause tweens and teens to struggle. Developing these skills early is a protective factor for developing resiliency, and ultimately success later in life.


Throughout the tween and teen therapy experience, they learn how to navigate big feelings, break-ups, life transitions, disappointments and family conflict.  When the tween and teen experiences a higher confidence in their abilities, they can handle life’s difficulties and manage conflict better.   Our counselors are trained in trauma approaches, in addition to Play Therapy and CBT.  Collectively, our tween and teen therapists can meet your child or teen right where they are, and help them navigate their challenges. We even have groups to provide healthy social connections and deepen their learning of themselves and the skills they need for success during this period in their lives.

Throughout the therapeutic process, parents are encouraged to attend separate parent sessions to develop a deeper understanding of what is happening in their tween/teen’s brain.  These sessions also provide practical guidance and tips on how to best support your tween/teen with their challenges during this critical time in their development, as well as during their growth and healing.

Life is hard. Responsibilities are demanding. We get it. We are here for you.

You work hard, feel stress, and wonder if there is ever a time to just breathe. Life is demanding, and this makes connecting with yourself and the person you truly want to be difficult. With all of the demanding work and family life schedules, you find yourself wondering if things will ever slow down, and feel exhausted, making it difficult to enjoy the things that you used to enjoy. Finding a qualified and experienced professional for individual therapy is the open door for you to find the safe space you need to navigate when life is hard. With this support in individual therapy, you find yourself thinking more clearly and finding the energy you need to take care of yourself and your loved ones. You no longer find yourself going through the motions, and in turn, find meaning.

Finding time for individual therapy simply means that you need a little support and guidance to connect with your daily life and relationships, and improve the quality of your daily life. We are here to help you. Finding your solution to stress, demanding life situations and challenging relationships in individual therapy can be your relief.

ReconnectLearn Self-CareManage StressEstablish BalanceDiscover Peace

We are here to help. With the guidance of our talented and experienced counselors, you can begin your journey to find the answers to your stress in your individual therapy sessions. Find Your peace and breathe. Embrace the balance and the joy that life brings. Read more on how individual counseling is beneficial.

If you think you or someone you love may need some support or guidance with life’s challenges, please click here to take this confidential online assessment.

There may be a wide array of reasons why you may choose to reach out to an experienced counselor. Our therapists are experienced and highly trained in various modalities to help you reach your goals. At Embark, we understand trauma and its effects not only on your nervous system, emotions and physical health, but we also understand how it impacts your everyday life at work and in your relationships. Today is the day to begin finding your peace, balance and enjoying your life.

Adult Services Offered

At Embark, we work with the following adult individuals and presenting concerns:

  • Counseling for Women
  • Counseling for Men
  • Counseling for Older Adults
  • Counseling for LGBTQ+
  • Young Adult – Transitions to College and Career
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Grief/Loss
  • Family and Intimate Relationships
  • Therapy for Therapists
  • Parenting, Including Sandwich Generation Challenges
  • Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Life is hard. Responsibilities are demanding. We get it. We are here for you.

Embark Counseling Services provides adults, tweens & teens, and children a safe, non-judgmental space to process their experiences and challenges in their individual therapy. There may be many reasons why you choose to reach out to an experienced counselor for individual therapy. Our therapists are experienced and highly trained in working with various modalities to help you, your tween or teen, or your child reach their goals. 

As an adult, you work hard, feel stressed, and wonder if there is ever a time to just breathe. Life is demanding, making connecting with yourself and the person you truly want to be difficult. Finding a qualified and experienced professional for individual therapy is the open door to finding the safe space you need to navigate life when things get hard. With the support of individual therapy, you will find yourself thinking more clearly and having the energy you need to take care of yourself and your loved ones.  

As a parent or caregiver, your tween or teen may be struggling as they navigate the many changes and transitions that adolescence brings. They may be experiencing problems managing their emotions, navigating social situations and relationships, or handling their increasing responsibility and independence. Our experienced counselors get tweens and teens and the struggles they face. Individual therapy can help your tween or teen improve their experience and overcome their unique challenges.

As a parent or caregiver, your child may be experiencing behaviors that are difficult to understand, expressing emotions bigger than the situation, or encountering learning problems that affect their engagement in school and home life. You may be feeling overwhelmed and wondering how to help your child. Here at Embark, our experienced counselors can help you and your child on the journey to discovering how to handle the big challenges and difficult times through their individual therapy.  

Throughout the process, we support your family as a whole. Our approach includes caregivers/parents and close others throughout the process and offers supportive services to other family members(s), as needed, to foster long-term healing and change.

Throughout the process, we support your family as a whole, including close others throughout the process to foster long-term healing and change.

Individual Services Offered

Counseling for

Learn more about our counseling for adults, including our specialty services offered for men and woman, LGBTQIA +, and other specialty areas, and evidenced-based therapy approaches.

Counseling for Children

Learn more about our counseling for children, including our child services offered, developmentally appropriate therapy approaches, and specialized counselors.

Counseling for Tweens & Teens

Learn more about our counseling services for tweens & teens, including our services offered, effective therapy approaches, and specialized counselors.

We are here to help. With the guidance of our talented and experienced counselors, you can begin your journey to find the answers to your concerns in your individual therapy sessions. Read more on how individual counseling is beneficial. If you or someone you love may need support or guidance, please click here to take this confidential online assessment.

Empowerment through understanding. Hope for healing with accurate results.

Embark Counseling Services provides neurodiversity-affirming evaluation and supportive services for Autism, ADHD, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder, OCD and Tic Disorder.

Whether you are wondering about a diagnosis because, in the back of your mind, you know something is different or some of the characteristic traits have been brought to your attention by others, having answers can be life-changing and provide peace of mind. We understand neurodiversity, the hallmark signs, and how to help.

We understand that some adults may have spent their lifetime masking in an attempt not to be noticed or to look like they do not have the stereotypical traits of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

For children and teens, they may not be getting the help and support they need. They may be the target of redirection, discipline, or bullying at school and in other social situations. As the primary caregiver, you need to get answers, recommendations, and a solid plan to get your child into a routine of learning and using new skills to support their uniqueness and differences.

We do not believe in “fixing” any neurodiversity, but are skilled at understanding, diagnosing, and treating the various presentations that occur with Autism, ADHD, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and tic disorders, among others. We are neurodiversity-affirming and passionate about including everyone, such as siblings and parents, throughout the evaluation and treatment process.

With our approach, we believe that each individual is unique, and no two brains are alike!

Evaluations Offered

Autism Evaluation

Learn more about our neurodiversity-affirming, in-depth process for evaluating Autism Spectrum Disorder and co-occurring mental health issues.

ADHD Evaluation

Learn more about our neurodiversity-affirming, in-depth process for evaluating ADHD and co-occurring mental health issues.

In addition to evaluations for Autism and ADHD, Embark offers various assessments and evaluations for mental health issues, including the following:

  • Tic Disorders
  • Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
  • Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder
  • Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Trauma & Stressor-Related Disorders